BAILEYS – one sire, dual-use
Original Braunvieh|16.12.2024

BAILEYS – one sire, dual-use

BAILEYS, a promising Optimis sire to complement the range.

Annalis Müller, Promotion Genetics Programmes

BAILEYS offers Original Braunvieh breeders the best traits for milk and beef. His maternal line is known for high performance: OB Orelio BERNINA EX-92 (granddam of BAILEYS) achieved a lifetime milk yield of 41,967 kg over six lactations. As the first Rasimus-son he achieved a total merit index of 1,393, the second highest value among OB-sires. He sires +938 kg milk, kappa-casein BB (for higher cheese yields) and has a positive beef index. With an udder value of 134 and longevity of 110, he promises long-living, productive progeny.

The dam of BAILEYS: Gubser Ueli’sOB Gus BELLA, Ø 2L 7,695 kg, 4.06% fat, 3.25% protein, SCS 28, L1 GP-84, udders 85.
E: Gubser Ueli, 8884 Oberterzen
Bild: Hansrudolf Lauper